How to Create, Update, and Delete a Note

Create a Note

  • Press the fab button located in the bottom right corner of the main screen. This will launch the editor.
  • In the editor, write your note's title and the actual note.
  • To save the note, press the back button located on the top left of the top bar. The system back of android also works.

Update a Note

  • Tap the desired note on the main screen to launch the editor.
  • Make your changes in the editor.
  • Press the back button to save. Saving is automatic.
  • Alternatively, press the options menu button located at the top right of the editor screen and select 'Exit'. This will present a dialog with the options 'Save and Exit', 'Exit without Saving', and 'Cancel'.

Delete a Note

  • Long press the desired note on the main screen. Selection options will appear in the top bar.
  • Press the 'More' menu button and select 'Delete'.
  • Alternatively, open the note in the editor and select 'Delete' from the options menu.