Press the fab button located in the bottom right corner of the main screen. This will launch the editor.
In the editor, write your note's title and the actual note.
To save the note, press the back button located on the top left of the top bar. The system back of android also works.
Update a Note
Tap the desired note on the main screen to launch the editor.
Make your changes in the editor.
Press the back button to save. Saving is automatic.
Alternatively, press the options menu button located at the top right of the editor screen and select 'Exit'. This will present a dialog with the options 'Save and Exit', 'Exit without Saving', and 'Cancel'.
Delete a Note
Long press the desired note on the main screen. Selection options will appear in the top bar.
Press the 'More' menu button and select 'Delete'.
Alternatively, open the note in the editor and select 'Delete' from the options menu.